Welcome to My Blog!

Posted on Apr 27, 2022

Hello, welcome to my blog!

I am excited to begin writing this blog about software, computers, and electronics. As this is the first post, I would like to take some time to introduce myself. My name is Alec. I am a professional software engineer that recently graduated with a degree in computer engineering. Currently, I am responsible for writing video decoding software that relies on hardware acceleration. My day-to-day programming work is mostly done in C, C++, and C#.

In this blog, I would like to focus on modern C++ systems programming techniques. I have a few topics that I would like to visit including: variant based state machines in modern C++, compile time programming, and advanced template metaprogramming tricks. I also believe it would be fun to write about topics that I am less familiar about. For example, web programming! Creating this blog and handling web hosting were all new topics to me. Setting it up was a new learning challenge that I thoroughly enjoyed.

Hope to see you soon,

Alec :)